

Every political party has had a transformation at one time or another. Unfortunately, the Republican Party has transitioned from the Party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan to the Party of Donald Trump and it no longer represents American values. This transformation begs the question, what the fuck happened to you?

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What happened to law and order? The GOP bragged about being the party of law and order, tough on crime, and the guardians of the Constitution, yet nothing can be further from the truth. Trump’s administration and staff refuse to report to Congress or respond to subpoenas. They have resigned in record number for misusing tax payer money. His campaign staff, his administration, and his attorney are in jail or awaiting sentencing. Trump himself was impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of justice and yet the GOP remains silent.

What happened to the Party of Lincoln? President Lincoln ended slavery and the worst chapter of America’s history. Now republicans condone Trump’s racist dog whistles, afraid to stand up and demand he stop. Many Republicans have followed his lead pushing the envelope of civility and racism. Even the local Harris County Republican Party Chair thought it was cute to post a racist meme about Martin Luther King. This isn’t the Party of Lincoln

What happened to being strong on defense? Trump has isolated our longtime allies while bowing to our adversaries, Putin, Kim Jong Un, and others. He brags about knowing more than the generals. He attacks the military leadership that have stood up to protect their troops and the Constitution. He has insulted military heroes such as Senator John McCain to the point of being asked not to attend his funeral. He bows to Russia after they put bounties on our soldiers. Never in our history have we been so vulnerable to our enemies.

What happened to conservative family values? Republican family values have been replaced with mocking disabled Americans, separating children from their mothers, calling heads of state derogatory names like a two-year-old, making racists comments, pitting Americans against each other, siding with white supremacists, lying to the American people on a daily basis, lying about adultery and buying their silence to win an election, siding with murderous dictators over Americans, and much, much more. Yet Republicans are silent for fear of Trump’s wrath.

What happened to common sense? Gun safety and responsible ownership has been replaced with dressing like GI Joe with body armor and a finger on a loaded AR15. Respect has been replaced with childish mocking. Science and scientists, that can save lives especially during the COVID crisis, is now replaced by high school dropouts spouting conspiracy theories.

云帆下载永久免费The Republican Party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is the party of Donald Trump, a party that has lost its integrity, common sense, courage, and moral compass, a party that is no longer recognizable. In November true conservatives have an opportunity to send a clear and strong message and begin restoring their party to its once great self.

If they don’t take that opportunity maybe they should ask themselves “What the fuck happened to me?”.



Nehls is second from the left
As I thought, Troy Nehls is a perfect candidate to represent the Republican Party. I've heard things. Here is another one. Turns out his deputies are racial profiling Latinos. From the 云帆免费下载安桌:

An analysis of traffic stops made over the past two years by [Deputy Aaron] Gillory shows just under 98 percent of the drivers he pulled over were Hispanic. Gillory searched 187 of the vehicles, all but two driven by Hispanics; 94 percent of the time the searches came to nothing.

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The Republican Party has become a magnet for racists, skin heads, and white supremacists. Nehls is running in the right party.


Louie Gohmert. The Texas Aggie Joke

It's karma. It's deserving. It's almost funny, if it wasn't so serious. From the 云帆在哪下载:
U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Tyler, has tested positive for the new coronavirus, Politico and ABC News confirmed Wednesday morning. 
Gohmert, who spends ample time on the U.S. House floor without a mask, was one of several Texas officials scheduled to fly to West Texas this afternoon with President Donald Trump, Politico reported. He reportedly tested positive for COVID-19 during a pre-screen at the White House.
Gohmert is a bad Aggie Joke. He graduated from Texas A&M in 1975, was in the Corps of Cadets, and a Brigade Commander. He was able to win his seat in congress after Tom Delay and the Republican Party re-redistricted the state providing a safe, solid republican district, one he would never have to seriously defend. His constituents in return got Louie, the Aggie Joke. He has accomplished about as much Bernie Sanders, passing only 1 bill in 16 years,

He along with Congressman Gym Jordon is the Beavis and Butthead of Congress. He is a clown and acts like one during hearings. He is like Trump using racists language like "Terror babies". He makes unsubstantiated claims about immigrants and other subjects. He routinely refuses interviews except to be on Fox News. He is the boot licker of the House for Donald Trump.

Gohmert is a racist joke. He represents his district well.



After 145,000 Americans have died from the Coronavirus, Trump calls for wearing a mask to slow the infection rate. What the hell are those who want to protect their freedom to infect others going to do now? What about their freedom to complain? What about personal rights? What about looking like an idiot with a mask on? Huh? What the f*ck are they going to do now?

Wear a MAGAt mask?


Texas Republican Party new logo?

The Texas Republican Party should consider changing their logo to represent their convention and their new party.

Yesterday during their online/offline screwed up convention some of the delegates ousted their current Chair and voted in a perfect individual who will represent the Texas Republican party very well, former Congressman from Florida Allen West. West has been certified by the National Association of Nut Makers as 100% nuts. "After reviewing West's record we can say with 100% accuracy that West is a perfect individual to lead the members of the Texas Republican Party. Just like Donald Trump he truly is one f*cked up human being."

The GOP Convention has been a joke from day one, mired in technical difficulties, reboots, with many just giving up trying to participate. It is fitting that those who were able to actually gain access to vote elected someone like West to be their leader. He began his career in Florida and served in Congress as one of the tea baggers of 2010. He served only 1 term. He was endorsed by Sarah Palin and Ted Nugent. He will serve Donald Trump and his extreme right wing agenda very well.

His election topped off one screwed up convention for one screwed up party. For gosh sakes, what the living f*ck happened to you guys?


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The Clear Creek Independent School District will have a special meeting to discuss sending our kids, teachers, friends, relatives, and neighbors to COVID Classes in mid August. With an out of control pandemic the Trustees have a big decision to make.

They could delay opening opting for virtual learning until the virus is under control like HISD has done and many other school districts. Or they can follow the leadership of President Trump and Governor Abbott and re-opening the classrooms. I hope they remember how re-opening Texas turned out. Texas is now a hotspot for infections. Over 4000 Texans have died. Our hospitals are at capacity. Our health care workers are over worked. Our parents are scared. (and should be)

The Trustees probably have their minds made up already and teachers will be the next group of people to be sacrificed to the COVID god. You would think that a group of Trustees (minus 1) that claims to be science based would realize that sending students and teachers into a classroom is just plain stupid. It's not ignorant. It's stupid.

You can watch the meeting today at 4:30 here: www.ccisd.net/boardmeeting


There was nothing worse than being caught in a never ending Do Loop when programming in Fortran, a language that is about as out of date as the Texas Republican Party.

The Texas GOP was caught in their own Do Loop trying to have a virtual Convention since their in-person COVID Convention was cancelled due to health reasons. The Texas Democratic Party was able to successfully conduct their entire convention virtually. From a delegate perspective a virtual convention sucks. There are no speeches, no networking, no training opportunities, no hospitality parties, no drinking. It's as boring as watching paint dry in the closet. On the other hand the Republican virtual convention was a complete shit show that was fun to watch.

After attempting to restart their Do Loop they eventually just performed an interrupt and aborted the entire event. The comments were spectacular including one delegate asking "What's the internet?". Here are a few samples coming from delegates attempting to participate:

One of the most important tasks of the GOP State Convention is to elect delegates to the National Convention to be held in Florida, during the summer, outside. Most delegates were not too interested in sweating like pigs while attempting to stay alive during an out of control pandemic and god forbid they would have to wear a life saving mask! Do Loop part II is coming soon.

It's just sad. Really, really, sad. 

End Do


Raising Campaign Cash: Texas CD22

After spending $7.5 Million Kathaleen Wall has lost. Again. Maybe she needs to try challenging Brian Babin in CD36. Her racist bullhorns might work there.

Tony Nehls only raised $517,000 and has only $29,000 cash on hand. This total includes about $120,000 since April 2023. For a Congressional candidate this is a very poor showing. He is lucky that this seat is a target for the Republican Party otherwise he would be on his own with no avenues of fundraising. This used to be a safe seat. That was the way it was drawn during re-districting. Now the party has to fight to keep it after Congressman Pete Olson cut and ran and left the seat open. They are also stuck with a Trump loyalist.

During that same time, April - July, Sri Preston Kulkarni raised almost $1 Million. He has raised $2.5 Million in total and has $1.2 Million cash on hand. He is clearly in the lead in money and enthusiasm.

Nehls is another Wall without the money. He supports Trump's racist behavior but will distance himself from him as if he was a baby in a poopy diaper at a pool party. He will have a hard time trying to wipe Trump's stink off of him over the next couple of months.


When Harris County Commissioners ask for your opinion....give it to them

I should have known better.

Harris County Commissioners asked for public comments on creating an appointed Elections Administrator, removing the election functions from the County Clerk and voter registration from the Tax Assessor Collectors office. Voters will no longer be able to hold an elected official accountable for screwing up our election process or making it harder to register to vote. (Ask Stan Stanart) From the Houston Chronicle:
Harris County became the latest in Texas to adopt an independent administrator model to run elections when the Democratic majority on Commissioners Court voted Tuesday to create the new department. Court members voted 3-2 along party lines to create an election administrator’s office, which will assume the voter registration duties of the tax assessor-collector and the election management role of the county clerk.
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The Commissioners listened to our input then voted to approve the item regardless. Their minds were made up leaving us with many unanswered questions. Why were we left in the dark on this extremely important issue? Why was this being discussed in the middle of a historic election? Why was this being discussed during a raging pandemic killing Houstonians? Why didn't the Commission reach out for comments from the public? Why were they not being transparent about the issue?

Here is a suggestion to Commissioners for future meetings. If your mind is made up already on a issue as important as our Constitutional rights don't ask your constituents to waste their time speaking at a hearing. Don't act like you are giving us the privilege to talk on the issue. Have the common courtesy to tell them it is a done deal, stay home, and just shut the hell up.

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Primary Runoff. The Good. The Bad. The Ugly

The primary runoff was delayed from May to July because of the COVID crisis. Greg Abbott wanted the virus to be completely out of control before he let us vote. He did a fine job with over 10,000 new COVID cases on Election Day.

The Good
MJ Hegar won the primary for Uniteds States Senate and will face John COVID Cornyn. MJ is different. She is exciting. She is a combat veteran. She took the same oath that John Cornyn took but unlike Cornyn, I believe she would honor that oath. Senator Royce West was close behind MJ. He also would have been a great nominee.

Chrysta Castenada is our nominee for Railroad Commissioner. Chrysta is an excellent candidate for the position.

The Bad
Democrats lost big with a win by Tamika Craft for the 14th Court of Appeals. Tamika was endorsed by one Democratic organization. She refused to be screened for other endorsements unlike her opponent who was very well qualified and should have been our nominee. If you are really concerned about the 14th Court of Appeals you might want to skip this race.

The Ugly
云帆pn免费下载 spent $7.5 million of her own money to get her ass kicked in the republican primary. She only got 24% of the vote. In 2018 she spent $6 Million to come in 3rd place. Unlike Wall, Tony Nehls couldn't raise much money and hasn't much left. Hopefully Nehls, another Trump loving republican, will be a loser in November.

Constable Chris Diaz. Diaz's multiple shenanigans finally caught up with him. He can now focus his time on the lawsuit filed by 12 of his employees. Diaz was a disappointment.

Alexandra SmootsThomas. Alexandra was indicted for stealing campaign money. She shouldn't have run. 


After a racist post, will the Harris County Republican Party stand by their Chair, Keith Nielsen?

Remember that racist post the chair-elect of the Harris County Republican Party, Keith Nielsen shared on his Facebook page? Let me remind you:
Keith posted a racist meme (which has been removed) on Facebook quoting Martin Luther King. The meme also had a pic of a banana next to the Black civil rights leader's quote. It wasn't a fruit salad, or a medley of fresh tropical fruits and he wasn't in the middle of a well balanced meal when he created the meme. It was a banana. It was racist. We know it. He knows it. The Pasadena City Council knows it and took action.
Nielson was fired from the Texas Planning Commission based upon his racist post. Shortly afterward he resigned from the position of Chair of the Harris County Republican Party before even taking office. And then today we hear this:
Harris County GOP officials are increasingly convinced that chairman-elect Keith Nielsen plans to take office next month despite saying he would step aside weeks ago after sharing a racist image on social media.
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No Place but the Texas GOP.
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